My Collection of 35mm Transparencies
Please note that these pages are not yet complete

1964 First photos taken at and around our home at Buckhurst Hill, Essex

1965 Photos taken at Buckhurst Hill, in Suffolk, on a visit to Denmark and on a holiday on the Norfolk Broads

1967 This was the year when I made my first visit to Iceland where I back-packed and camped with a friend

1968 First photos of Agnes in the year we became engaged. Christmas at The Potash.

1969 The year that Agnes and I married. Photos at The Potash, at Agnes's home at Cordarragh, Co Mayo, and of our wedding in Dublin and our honeymoon in Malta.

1970 This was the year when our elder daughter, Mary, was born. I did my first "house jobs" as a newly qualified doctor

1971 I completed my junior hospital doctor jobs, the last being as an obstetric house officer at Queen Mary's Maternity Home in Hampstead. We went with Mary on holiday to Ibiza. In July I started a Short Service Commission in the Royal Air Force. My father, who had been in poor health, died suddenly in November.

1972  Our son, John, was born in March. In July I made my second visit to Iceland. In the autumn we were posted to Cyprus where I became a medical officer at the Families Clinic.

1973  We had a holiday in Israel in March. In April our younger daughter Sarah was born at the Royal Air Force Hospital at Akrotiri base.

1974  Our posting in Cyprus was brought to a premature end in the wake of the Turkish invasion. Jessie, my late father's housekeeper, came out to stay with us early in the year. After our return from Cyprus we had another holiday in the west of Ireland. In the autumn we were posted to RAF Benson, where the Queen's Flight is based.

1975 This was the year when we had a memorable holiday in the West of Ireland with three weeks' glorious weather in May.

1976  I completed my Short Service Commission and we moved to south east London where I joined the Forest Hill Road group practice. Agnes' father died in July that year.

1977    We returned to visit our old haunts in Suffolk. In November Agnes and I went on holiday without the children to Teneriffe.

1978    This year we took our first camping holiday in France

1979    The last few slides before I moved to colour negatives. I returned to taking transparencies in 1986.

1986    I started taking transparencies again when I bought a new Minolta 35mm SLR camera

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