20th to 27th September 1871
Sept. 20th, evening.
Here I must close my journal for the steamer of the 22nd as I go to Yokohama in the
morning to meet the vessel and attend some business. Have spent the whole day in writing
letters. Dr Wells and Paymaster Carpenter of (Page 68) the Colorado tiffined with us today. Nothing else
noteworthy happened.
Sept. 21st Evening.
I arrived at Yokohama about 2pm to find that the America does not sail till 23rd instead
of tomorrow, as I had supposed. I find many of my navy friends and Consul Shephard all
glad to see me. I feel as though I had known some of these fellows especially Drs Painter
and Tryon of the Idaho, and Wells and ?Cormin of the Colorado. Then there is Lt Trotter
and Engineer Slosson of the Colorado, all of which names I give you so that if you should
meet them you can give them a hearty welcome. I dined with a party on board the America,
where I felt as though among old friends. The America makes a trip again in Jan, and
another in April. I think it likely that the latter will have Mrs Stuart Eldridge and
Master C.W. (Eldridges son Chauncey Weber Eldridge - H.T.) on the passenger
I found the scarf which I wanted for a sash for your wrapper today (Page 69)
Sept. 22nd Evening.
Have been busy most of the day in shipping some boxes for Genl. C., getting a draft for
Antisell etc. It takes twice as long to do any business here as it does at home. Called on
Mrs Dearbom today, one of the ladies who tiffined with us at Yedo not long since. Dined
with Capt. Warview on the America again.
Sept. 23rd Evening
Spent the morning on the America which left for S.F. at noon. I could gladly have gone
with her. I feel as though I can not stand with wide separation with such seldom
communication long. In the afternoon walked through Japanese town. Bought for a boo (28c.)
a carved idol, which I dont want because the boy who wanted to sell it looked hard
up. Steamer Japan will be in in the morning and oh, how I hope there will be many and big
letters for me!
Sept. 24th Evening.
Woke this morning to find the steamer Japan lying at her moorings, and after hurrying into
my clothes, hastened to the Consul to get my (Page 70) longed for letters. How glad I was to find two from you,
and one from mother. As an answer to your letters hardly belongs to my journal, I will
answer them separately (all enclosed, marked "yours ever"). Well, I took to my
room in the hotel and spent the greater part of the day in thinking of you and Webb and
building air castles for our happiness when you get here. Tell Webb that I think we can
all have ponies. I dined by invitation at Capt. Lane. The Capt. is the agent here of the
Steamship Company. I met at dinner Mrs Corning and Miss Davies who came over with us and
are visiting Capt. Lane. Learned that an extra steamer will leave S.F. on the 15th of this
month but fear that you will have no knowledge of it so as to send letters. Prof. Antisell
came down in the morning and returned to Yedo at once, carrying mail.
Sept. 25th, evening.
Spent the morning trying to get hold of two packages which came for us by steamer and
which I hoped contained scientific equipment. After working nearly all day to get at them,
found that it was only a bundle of shovels and a water wheel. Telegraphed to Yedo that I
should return on morning of 27.
Mrs Dearbom, one of the ladies who visited me at Yedo, sent word to me today that she
would be glad to drive me out in her pony phaeton in the afternoon. Of course (Page 71) I gladly accepted the
invitation and had a delightful six mile drive on a picturesque road which the Japanese
constructed especially for the recreation of foreigners and to prevent pleasure driving on
the Tokaido, or main road, to Yedo. Mrs Dearbom says that you mustnt think of having
a stock of dresses made up before coming out for goods are cheaper here than those at
home, and that there are first rate dress makers here who charge only $2.00 for making a
dress with any amount of trimmings and fallals. Mrs Dearbom is a native of Anburn, N.Y.
Sept. 26th Evening.
Slept late. Arose to find my guard waiting to know if I were about to return to Yedo. Told
him I should not go till tomorrow morning. Then went down to steamboat office to see about
my (illegible). Returned just after steamer left for Yedo to find out that Genl.
had telegraphed for my immediate return. Answered that I would come up by private
conveyance and as I had not yet called upon Mrs DeLong and as she spoke of it when I met
her by accident, I proceeded to do so. Had a pleasant call. Mrs DeL. is a plump, rather
pretty woman, not very refined but evidently kind and good (Page 72) Her name was Kineyard, she was born in Platterville Wis.
and her father was one of Wisconsins earliest settlers. I suppose father knows of
him. She seemed quite pleased to hear that you also are (illegible - reads like
"abadger"). By the time I had finished my call it was four oclock, and
I started at once for Yedo, driving a gay little team of ponies, and accompanied only by a
groom. My guard I could not find so left word for him to come to Yedo tomorrow. I had a
pleasant trip and reached home, for our place here is becoming quite home like, about half
past seven. Found all well and glad to see me.
Sept. 27th Evening
This morning rose pretty early to write the Genls instructions to Prof. Antisell and
Warfield. Antisell is placed in control of the expedition which I hardly think Warfield
will like. But it is the only way to secure any good result for Warfield is a
self-conceited boy.
While I was in Yokohama several important interviews took place. The Japanese Govt.
propose, apparently, to devote one million of dollars per annum to our work. This of
course will enable us to accomplish something if anything can be done at all. The scheme
for matters in Yedo is taking shape and seems to be as follows: it is proposed to
establish a new capital for the island about 180 miles (Page 73) north of the town of Hakodate. The present capital is at
Matsumai, east of Hakodate. At this new capital they propose to establish an agricultural
college, model farm, and a regular in the plan of our Department of Agriculture in
America. Buildings are to be erected as soon as possible and the Professors will then be
apptd. I am to fill the chair of comparative anatomy and physiology and general
natural history. We expect to get Wasson, who is a noble fellow, apptd to another
chair also. The salary will probably be $5000 per annum and a furnished home. Antisell and
myself are engineering the college business. Wasson will probably return to the U.S. and
marry and will possibly see you not long after you see this, and perhaps bring you out
with him, but we will see about that.
I worked on papers all the morning and got everything up to date. Prof. Antisell had some
friends at tiffin, Col Frank. - consul at Hiogo - and his wife. Very pleasant people. We
sat at table till nearly time for the steamer to start for Yesso when we all went down to
see the voyagers off. Warfield did not want to go at all and we talked typhoon to him till
we nearly scared (Page 74) him
sick. It was low tide and the ship had to be reached by rowing three miles in boats. As
Wasson and I were on ponies, I on my wicked little black, we concluded to go off to the
ship while the Genl. and Mr and Mrs Frank went back in the carriage. We did so, saw the
departing (illegible) safe on board, took one drink to their success and bid them
good-bye as our boat hoisted the sail to return to the landing. The ship swung off,
carrying off with it dear old Proof Antisell, my only reliable and always trusty friend
here. God bless him and take care of him. I shall miss him dreadfully.
We did not get to our homes till after dark and found our mounted guards provided with big
paper lanterns while our running grooms were similarly equipped. Our guards started off
through the crowded street at a rattling pace. We followed with a rush and began a two
mile race through the streets of Yedo which for wildness and queerness I never saw
equalled. Away we went, the people scattering to the right and left in the half lit street
in response to the loud shouts of Hai! Hai! (Page 75) uttered every moment by our guards and grooms. I tried to
make the guards go slower, fearing we would run over someone, but it was no use. Away we
went through the dense throng at break neck speed. It was the wildest of all the wild I
have ever had and you know that they have not been few. We got home just after the Genl.
had finished dinner, my pony having had all the nonsense taken out of him by my 190
End of this section
Part 11 September 28th to 30th 1871